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"For the Lion of Verezzo and the honour of Tilea."

—Captain Alvaro Cazarro during the siege of Mariemburg[6]

The Serene Republic of Verezzo is a Tilean republic, but of a completely different kind to the city-state of Remas.[1a]

As with Pavona, Verezzo lives pretty much in the shadow of its powerful rivals especially Remas and Luccini.[5a]


The Silk Road[]

Verezzo heraldry as depicted in Man O'War Corsair

Heraldry of Verezzo as depicted in Man O' War: Corsair.

The first journey to the Far East was made by the explorer Marco Polare in 1247 IC, however, these accounts appear to have been forgotten, lost, or at least not widely known by 1699, since other Tilean traders didn't know what lay beyond the Worlds Edge Mountains and the Dark Lands. In that year, the brothers Ricco and Robbio, Tilean merchants in Karaz-a-Karak, bought a tattered but exceptionally fine silk banner from some Dwarf adventurers who had been far to the east. They claimed to have captured it from a band of Hobgoblins. The banner bore the symbol of a Dragon, and the Dwarfs, not bothered about keeping what they believed to be an Elf banner, were eager to sell it for gold. The significance of the banner was not lost on Ricco and Robbio. If it was an Elf banner captured by the Hobgoblins, it could be the answer to a question which had been vexing the minds of many Tilean merchants: was it possible to get to Ulthuan by going eastwards as an overland route instead of sailing westwards over the sea? If such a thing were possible, it could mean that Ulthuan was at the eastern end of the great Old World continent. It would also mean that the world was round and not flat as most people believed. Elf seafarers had never revealed much about Ulthuan. The Norse seemed to think it was an island. Marco Colombo in his writings speculated as to whether it was an island or a peninsula of a great northern continent attached to Lustria. He believed, as did many others, that only this could explain where the Dark Elves came from and why they fought against the High Elves. Ricco and Robbio suspected that if they journeyed far enough to the east they would either arrive in Ulthuan, or maybe even Lustria, or on the far coast of the Old World continent opposite Ulthuan. Unfortunately this coast might be held by Dark Elves. The fine workmanship of the silk banner and its Dragon motif suggested a High Elf origin, so perhaps it had been lost in battle with the Dark Elves and captured by Hobgoblin lackeys in their employ. Ricco and Robbio scoured the Dwarf strongholds of the Worlds Edge Mountains seeking more artefacts of Elven workmanship which had come out of the east. They acquired a small hoard of objects including scrolls bearing what appeared to be Elven writing, weapons, and silks which Dwarf traders were pleased to sell for gold.[1a]

The two brothers returned to their home city of Verezzo and tried to raise funds for an expedition into the east. Their intention was to find an overland route to Ulthuan and possibly even Lustria. This would avoid the hazards of a long sea voyage and show the High Elves that they might rule the seas but not the land. Also it would enable Verezzo to get one up on her trading rivals in Remas, which was enjoying a monopoly on the western sea trade at this time. The Prince of Verezzo was very enthusiastic and all the Merchant Princes of the city followed his example. Merchants from Luccini, Miragliano, and Pavona also contributed to the enterprise. It was decided that the expedition was so dangerous that only a powerful armed force could be expected to fight its way across the continent. Therefore a great mercenary army was gathered, led by the best mercenary commanders of the day. Furthermore, there was a large civilian contingent of merchants, artisans, craftsmen and others, together with their wives and camp followers. The baggage train stretched for over a mile. The intention was to set up a trading post as far east as possible. As the expedition passed through the lands of the Border Princes it gathered further contingents motivated by a sense of adventure. When it reached the Dwarf Kingdom, several Dwarf contingents joined the column, notably Slayers, attracted by the generally held belief that the expedition was doomed. In 1699 the expedition, now numbering over a thousand Tileans and various other mercenaries, left Karaz-a-Karak for the east, travelling up the Worlds Edge Mountains to the Road of Skulls and beyond.[1a][1b]

It was many years before anyone in Tilea heard of the fate of the expedition or what they had discovered. Then in 1714 a merchant caravan of pack yaks arrived at Verezzo, laden down with bundles of silk. With the bales of silk came a message from Ricco and Robbio explaining they were now residing in the westernmost outpost of the Empire of Cathay. It was now clear that there was no eastern route to Ulthuan or Lustria. The world was indeed flat and much much larger than anyone could have imagined. Instead of Elves, the Tileans had encountered an entirely unknown realm. Indeed it was a populous empire of vast extent and unimaginable wealth. Apparently Ricco and Robbio had not been permitted to enter the Empire of Cathay because, as the Cathayans had politely explained, they were hairy and uncouth barbarians. However, the Dragon Emperor Wu had been intrigued by these strangers. He had been delighted with the return of the banner of his Palace Guard and was gratified to receive the submission and tribute of the entire land of Tilea - which was a ruse pulled by the cunning Ricco and Robbio in order to avoid being summarily beheaded. The Emperor had agreed to hire the entire expedtion having been impressed by a battle in which the mercenaries had held off a Cathayan army which, although small by Cathayan standards had in fact outnumbered the Tileans by about three to one.[1b]

Since that time a mercantile quarter has flourished in Shang-Yang which is the westernmost of the Cathayan fortress towns on the Silk Road. This is the name by which the trade route to Cathay, opened up by Ricco and Robbio has become known. Trading caravans go along this route very rarely and only a few reach their destination due to the terrible hazards of the journey and the scourge of the Hobgobla Khan and his great horde which, when all his loyal tribes are drawn up for battle, is said to extend from horizon to horizon. The mercenaries in Shang-Yang have become 'guests' of the Emperor of Cathay and valued warriors in his service. The Emperor uses these troops to help defend his western frontier against the wrath of Hobgobla Khan. Of course by doing this, the Tileans serve their own interests by keeping open the Silk Road.[1b]


See also Tilean Timeline for events concerning the whole territory of Tilea and sources.

Age of Exploration (1492 to 1999)[]

  • 1699 to 1714 IC - Tilean merchants Ricco and Robbio trek east across what will be known as the Silk Road, hoping to discover an eastern route to Ulthuan. They are received at the court of the Dragon Emperor of Cathay and trade begins to flow along the Silk Road from the Old World to the Celestial Empire. They come back to Verezzo in 1714, managing to establish the trade route between Tilea and the far east known as today as the Silk Road.

Era of Enlightenment (2000 to Present)[]

  • 2236 IC - Grottio paints two thousand naked nymphs on the ceiling of the palazzo Verezzo instead of a battle scene and is exiled to the island of Nonucci as punishment.
  • 2321 to 2399 IC - The Prince of Verezzo greedily hoards grain and sells it to his citizens at extortionate prices. He is toppled from power and a republic is proclaimed. The system in Verezzo is even more democratic than that of Remas; the merchant families are divided into factions distinguished by voting colours: reds, greens, blues, and yellows.
  • 2494 IC - Pavona is defeated by a mercenary army from the Principality of Verezzo. Prince Borso is wounded in the battle but swears by the healing arts of his new wife, Lucrezzia Belladonna. He dies a few days later. Later during the Battle of Etobrutti, the mercenary captain Donato took over the command of the troops of Pavona and defeated Verezzo's army, he saved the city and subsequently married Lucrezzia Belladonna.
  • Before 2513 IC - During the Battle of Etobrutti, the mercenary captain Donato took over the command of the troops of Pavona and defeated Verezzo's army, he saved the city and subsequently married Lucrezzia Belladonna.


In the republic of Verezzo the various merchant families are divided into factions distinguished by various voting colours (the Reds, the Greens, the Blues, and the Yellows). The current head of the Yellow faction is a merchant prince named Groccolo, though after the gold he had raised to pay a large force of mercenaries disappeared and the army mutinied. Despite his misfortunes the Yellows cling to power, but Bastino Batta of the Reds is growing increasingly popular amongst the merchant princes undermining the dominance of the Yellows.[3a]

Like Remas, Verezzo became a republic as a result of the great famines. The Prince hoarded up grain and tried to sell it to the citizens at an extortionate price. He was soon toppled from power with the help of mercenaries and a republic was proclaimed. The republic of Verezzo is much more democratic than that of Remas, probably because there are so many merchant families and anyone with aspirations to great power is likely to risk assassination from several quarters. In Verezzo there is an elaborate voting system in which the merchant families are divided into factions distinguished by voting colours (the reds, greens, blues and yellows).[1a]

The colours are associated with particular factions and policies, so after the voting in Verezzo it might be said in Remas or Luccini, "the reds are in Verezzo, we are in for trouble!" or "don't lend Verezzo any gold while the yellows are in", and so on. The colours are also used to designate teams in various rowdy games played in the cramped piazzas of the city. Naturally, these games are flavoured with politics and intrigue![1a]

Despite this the most influncial personality of the city is still the Duchess, but her prestige was put at risk by the fast arose of power of Venezia Falconieri a beautyful courtesan. She cut a magnificent swath through the nobility and upper society. Perhaps, a bit too spectacularly. Powerful enemies decided she needed to be dealt with and trumped up charges of witchcraft. Venezia barely managed to escape the pyres of the witch hunters and was forced to forever flee the city of her birth.[2a]

Recently the Serena Republic has been disturbed by some mysterious events concerning the "Verezzo naval treaty", so as to attract the interest of the illustrious sage-investigator, Zavant Konniger.[7]

The City[]

Verezzo flag

The flag of Verezzo as depicted in Man O' War: Corsair

Verezzo lies inland, dominating the fertile plain with its walls and many bastions. The prosperous city is very compact and crowded with people. The streets are very narrow and winding and the houses are built very tall because of the lack of space. Some have risen so high that they have become towers which have been built into the defences. The reason for this is that the walls are so strong and occupy such a good vantage point on the only rising ground for miles around, that the citizens are reluctant to change them and build a wider and less formidable circuit.[1a]

Tilean merchants from Verezzo and Remas have been known to pay a high price for exotic stone sphinxes and other statues made by the ancient inhabitants of Khemri, which they use to adorn their villas and plazas.[1e]

The Lion is considered the symbol of the Republic of Verezzo.[6] The lion is also often associated with Myrmidia, the Goddess of Strategy, and one of these animals often rests at her feet, showing how she can subdue even the strongest foe with her feats of arms. A stylised lion head with a giant mane looks quite similar to her sun symbol, often depicted with a female face smiling benevolently upon it.[3b]

Notable Locations[]

Palazzo of Verezzo[]

In 2236 Grottio paints two thousand naked nymphs on the ceiling of this palace, this affront condemned him to exile on the island of Nonucci.[1c]

Piazza of Verezzo[]

The piazza of the city where a huge sculpture of Grottio named "The Five Graces" adorns the piazza in Verezzo. It is made with Trantine, a precious marble extracted from Trantio's quarries.[1c] Above the piazza there is a leaning tower, it is the same tower where Daddallo was imprisoned after accidentally killing the captain of the bodyguard of the Batta Family.[1d]


One of the disciplines taught at the University of Verezzo is medicine. One of its most promising student was Alexandra Giliani, who after learning everything she could in Verezzo, decided to travel throughout Tilea in search of more knowledge, eventually traveling much of the Old World.[8a]

Subsidiary Settlements[]

Verezzo is a regional centre of political power, wielding significant influence over the settlements listed below.[3a]

  • Olesi - A small City-Port under the Republic of Verezzo.[4]

Notable Verezzians[]

  • Juan Cornetto - He was, during the end of the 20th century, the captain of the Cornetto's Pikes, a mercenary regiment of pikemen that by defending the ramparts of Verezzo became world famous as the savior of Verezzo.[1]


The political system, the symbol, and title of The Serene Republic of Verezzo resemble those of medieval Venice. While the aesthetics of said Italian city is taken as an inspiration for the city of Miragliano, this led to the curious situation where both cities, Verezzo and Miragliano, are known as "The Serene" just like the Republic of Venice.

The name of the city and the coloured factions of its government resemble the Saracen Joust of Arezzo.

