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Member in charge: Aresius King Starting date: 2/4/2017 Status: Work In Progress
High Elf Domains World Map 6th Edition illustration

Overseas domains of the High Elves, at the height of their expansion.[1a]

The Lost Isles of Elithis are an archipelago of three islands located in the south-western Far Sea, off the south-east coast of Khuresh (referred in known maps, for some reason, as Cathay[2a][4a] or Oriental Cathay[1a]) and south of Nippon. They are under the control of the High Elves, or at least they were at the height of their seafaring power. There are two known Elven colonies there - Tor Elithis, on the western island, and the Tower of the Rising Sun, on the eastern and biggest land mass.[1a][3a]

Sea Elf traders appear to use the Isles of Elithis as a staging point to cross the Far Sea towards the Turtle Isles on the west coast of Lustria, or from there to the Gates of Calith in order to reach the Sea of Dread.[2a]

While the surrounding regions (Nippon, Cathay, Ind and the Southern Chaos Wastes) are populated to some degree by Beastmen warbands, the Lost Isles of Elithis are free of this taint.[4a]



  • 1 Warhammer Armies: High Elves (6th Edition)
    • 1a pg. 49.
  • 2 Warhammer Armies: High Elves (7th Edition)
    • 2a pg. 13.
  • 3 Warhammer Armies: High Elves (8th Edition)
  • 4 Warhammer Armies: Beasts of Chaos (6th Edition)
    • 4a pg. 17.