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Sotek was the God of Serpents of the Lizardmen of Lustria.  Though the Lizardmen traditionally worshipped the Old Ones, Sotek established himself as an important deity, specifically for the Skinks.  Initially only existing in prophecies of stone tablets, he rose from an upstart minor god to a major one, nearly surpassing the Old Ones themselves.  

Rise of Sotek 

Between the years -1399 and 100 IC, a massive Skaven force under the leadership of Clan Pestilen attacked Lustria.  Granted the immunity to the jungle plagues that spread through the jungles, in addition to the power to create new ones by their dark god, theHorned Rat, the Skaven began to lay waste to the land, killing countless Lizardmen, and reducing the Temple Cities to rubble.  As they rampaged, a breed of skinks with red crests rose to prominence with Tehenhuain at the front, who spread the prophecy of Sotek, who quickly became popular particularly amongst the Skinks, who were most vulnerable to the Skaven plagues.  Sacrificing throngs of Skaven to Sotek, Tehenhuain rallied his forces around the statement that the Serpent God would consume the Rat God, and expel the horrible foe from their homeland.

Once satisfied with the blood he drank, Sotek emerged in force, with a sudden infestation of serpents emerging in the Skaven lairs.  Proving themselves completely immune to the Ratmen's plagues, they eventually forced the rats into the open, where they could be challenged.

After a long campaign, the Skaven were forced to retreat, and were left with no other choice but to completely evacuate Lustria.  As the Clan fled to the ocean, they were pursued by their reptillian enemies, and on Fuming Serpent Island, they confronted Pestilen's main horde.  Supposedly Sotek himself appeared with a sea of slithering snakes.  Eventually the Skaven forces were destroyed, but the Clan survived by escaping on their rotting ships.

However, it is said that Sotek dove into the ocean after them, and pursued them back to the tunnels, where he now remains.  Such is the legend of Sotek, and his rise ot godhood. Initially the Slann were reluctant to acknowledge him, but with the miraculous victory over the Skaven, coupled with the immense popularity he had with the SKinks, temples were ventually built to the Serpent God's honor.  Worship of Sotek would soon begin to equal, if not eclipse, that of the Old Ones.
