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Light College

Symbol of the Order of Light.

1 light wizard frt

Hysh is the magic of illumination and holy radiance. It is the Aethyric manifestation of light, and the abstracts light sometimes represents to mortals, like enlightenment and purity. Hysh is the light that banishes darkness and keeps terror from your doorstep. Although diffuse and difficult to manipulate, Hysh is constant and steady luminence, completely opposite of Chaos's randomness.

Hysh has many potent applications, in healing, protection, and the banishment of evil. The Magisters of the Order of Light - or Hierophants, as they prefer to be known - are among the most disciplined of wizards, and the most obstinate foes of Chaos. 

The color of Hysh is white.


  • Realms of Sorcery (WFRP, 2nd Edition), pp. 81-89