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Warhammer Lorenzo Lupo

Lorenzo Lupo, Prince of Luccini

Lorenzo Lupo, Prince of Lucinni is the current ruler of the city-state of Luccini and a descedant of that city's ancient founders. Lorenzo is very proud of his line of descent from his city's founders: Lucan and Luccina. As well as this he is quite an antiquarian and collector of art and antique artifacts. His palazzo on the old acropolis of Luccini is decorated with frescoes in the antique style and the gardens and colonnades display old statues found in the acropolis.[1a]

His prized possessions are heirlooms of his house, said to have been owned by the city's founders. Lorenzo wears armour of the old-fashioned style and fights on foot in the manner of his ancestors. This is a strange eccentricity of his and would be considered quaint and maybe even ridiculous by his rivals if he wasn't so good a general and didn't beat them so regularly. Instead, his reputation for bravery and fighting hand-to-hand in the front rank of his troops has earned him the respect and awe of his enemies.[1a]


  • Sword of Lucan - Lorenzo Lupo's sword, believed to be the actual sword used by his remote ancestor, Lucan, the founder of Luccini. The sword's razor sharp edge cuts through any armour with ease.[1a]
  • Shield of Myrmidia - This old shield was found during the rebuilding of the temple of Myrmidia on Luccini's acropolis. It dates to the time of the founding of the city, or perhaps even earlier. The shield bears the sun symbol of the war goddess and has the magical ability to dazzle the bearer's opponents.[1a]
  • Ring of Lucinna - Luccina, sister of Lucan, was said to be a sorceress. Lorenzo wears a ring which bears a cameo gem depicting her, and which may even have been hers. The gem has the ability of restoring the soldiers' morale, returning their will to fight for their lord again.[1a]


  • 1: Warhammer Armies: Dogs of War (5th Edition)
    • 1a: pg. 66