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Chaos DragonOrge

Dragon Ogre

The fabled Dragon Ogre, at a cursory glance, appears to be a composite creature, similar to Centigors with the lower half similar to some great reptile, hence the Dragon component of their name. It has four powerful legs that end in sharp, black, curving claws. The trunk, while scaly, is a pale pink, spotted with green blobs. It grows thick fur to protect its tender places. A long, spiked tail whips about it, presumably to drive off the flies that seem to be drawn to their stink. The other half of their form is the head, arms, and torso of some Daemonic man. Only in the loosest meaning is there anything akin to an Ogre in the appearance—at most it can be attributed to the size. Instead, it has strong reptilian features, a maw filled with fangs, and red slits for eyes.

Dragon Ogres, known in the Dark Tongue as Shartaks, Sharunocks, and Garthors, are believed to be among the oldest creatures in the world, and walked the earth when the Gate of Heaven still remained intact. Legends claim these rare beasts are kin to Dragons, the result of an ancient pact with the Ruinous Powers to stave off their inevitable extinction. In any event, the Dragon Ogres are uncommon, only emerging when called by the Dark Gods to wage war against Mankind.

The Chaos Gods send terrible storms, with flashing lightning, to awaken these slumbering terrors. Once stirred, the Dragon Ogres descend from their reclusive mountain homes or from their hidden lairs in the Chaos Wastes to lead Warbands of Beastmen into battle. Such instances are thankfully. Since the Dragon Ogres are a dying race, they are quick to retreat from battles they clearly cannot win. Though they will bow before their infernal masters, they refuse to serve Daemons lest they risk their immortal soul.


It’s believed the only way a Dragon Ogre can die is through death in battle, and so long as they can draw lightning into their aged forms, they can refresh themselves, sustaining their lives indefinitely. The older the Dragon Ogre, the larger and more powerful it grows, and so the most ancient of this race are enormous beasts of incredible power. Alive since before the Elves developed a written language, and some suspect before the arrival of the Old Ones, the oldest Dragon Ogres, called Shaggoths, have persisted and grown larger with their corruption. During the Great War against Chaos, there are rumours that these beasts towered over the forest canopy and even the towers of ill-fated Praag.


  • Warhammer Fantasy RPG 2nd ED -- Tome of Corruption (pg. 116-117).