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Like all the Ten, van den Nijmenks provides banking and money-lending services. It's rumoured that the Grand Duke of Middenland is particularly in Sasha's debt. The House also specializes in furs, amber, gems and other products unique to Norsca and Kislev. The family is famous for the many unique and wondrous items it brings back from its explorations, each of which commands a fabulous price when sold. While on a failed expedition to find the lost Norse Dwarfhold of Karaz Krogmort, Sasha made a small fortune from his discovery of an ancient High Elf orrery, with mechanisms of gold and planets of exquisite crystal. Bought by Baron Henryk's College, the device has been the source of academic controversy: while accounting for the Sun, the planets and Mannslieb, there is no crystal that represents Morrslieb, the Chaos moon. Some scholars claim that it comes from a time before the Great Disaster, while most think it is some Norse Dwarf joke and that the College wasted its money.[1a]

The family mansion is in Goudberg, and the household staff comes almost entirely from the nearby Indie ghetto. The family symbol is a shield of inverted blue and yellow scallops. House van den Nijmenk's private militia is unusual: almost all are Kislevites, retainers of Sasha's maternal relatives, fiercely loyal to the House, and dour and morose except when caught up in a drinking and singing contest in a local tavern. In those cases the Watch usually has to be called to clear them out. Because of the inevitable brawls that result, Sasha has established a special fund to cover bail and damages.[1a]


  • 1: Warhammer Fantasy RPG 1st ED -- Marienburg: Sold Down the River
    • 1a: pg. 32