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The Lizardmen track time by the alignments of celestial bodies and their sacred plaques form a calendar stretching back to the creation and forward to the end of time. As this slew of celestial data is mindbogglingly complex, all dates that follow use the Imperial Calendar, as used by the Men of the Empire.[1a]

Dawn of Creation

The prehistory of the world is shrouded in the mists of half-truth and legend. Great change is brought to the primeval planet by the beings known as the Old Ones. They descend from the skies and begin to re-order the world.[1a]

To execute their designs, the Old Ones made the First Spawning of the Slann and, under their direction, the Lizardmen are created: the Saurus as living weapons, the Skinks to carry out complicated orders and the Kroxigor to aid in building. What follows is a long age where the Lizardmen rule supreme, creating vast temple-cities and landmarks of unsurpassed wonder.[1a]

While the Saurus wipe out those races deemed undesirable, experiments by the Old Ones create new races. Of this time of former glory little is recalled; stone-chiselled writings have worn away, and temples have crumbled into ruin. Down the ages, countless Skink scribes have tried to replicate those earliest records, but their copies degrade with each new translation. The Slann have forgotten much from that age, their memories growing dim. To the younger races, the Old Ones are wholly unknown; only the Elves maintain some ancient myths of their creator gods.[1a]

The Great Catastrophe

  • c.-5600 -- Polar Gates Collapse The Old Ones disappear and the Lizardmen are left to defend against the largest Daemon invasion ever known. Xahutec is the first temple-city to fall. Within three hundred years, all Slann of the First Spawning are slain, save only Lord Kroak of Itza.[1a]
  • c.-5000 -- Lustria Besieged Except for enclaves in the Southlands, the Lizardmen are pushed back to Lustria, which is transformed into a deathtrap to thwart the invaders.[1a]

*Under Construction*


  • 1: Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen (8th Edition)
    • 1a: pg. 26