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Elementalists are specialist Wizards, whose magic concerns itself with natural forces and the elements of earth, air, fire, and water. As well as being able to control the forces of nature to some extent, Elementalists have limited control over the four elements and the beings known as Elementals.[1a]

As Wizards of nature, Elementalists have a close affinity with living things and - though reclusive - tend to be kindly and slow to anger. The magical energies upon which an Elementalist draws are fundamentally opposed to those of Daemonic and Necromantic magic. Those who have embarked upon a career as an Elementalist may never become Daemonologists or Necromancers.[1a]

Finding a teacher of Elemental magic is not as easy as finding a Wizard, but much easier than finding a Daemonologist or Necromancer. Many Elementalists are hermitic and live in isolated dwellings close to sources of great natural energy (waterfalls, oceans, volcanoes, mountain tops, and so on). Characters wishing to learn Elemental magic must convince their would-be teacher of their sincerity, demonstrating their love of nature in some way.[1a]


  • 1: Warhammer Fantasy RPG 1st ED -- Core Rulebook
    • 1a: pg. 146